New publications at Cell Reports
We recently reported that the accumulation of Hemozoin in the bone marrow niche following malaria infection may confer a long-term...

Congrats to Chenglab graduates @ 2024
Big congrats to Chuangfang, Dong, Peng, Xuanhui and Zenqioung! Wish you all the best for the future adventure!

The role of GOT1 in macrophage function
The role of GOT1 (Glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase 1) in various cell types has been primarily studied using the inhibitor AOAA...

New publication on Communications Biology
As the scientific community delves deeper into the phenomenon of mitochondrial transfer among cells, our laboratory has contributed to...

Sino-Swiss joint project awarded!国自然基金委与瑞士国际合作计划获批
Cheng lab just received a Sino-Swiss Joint Project for 3 million RMB in collaboration with Dr. Ping-Chih Ho's lab @ University of...


Collaborative work published on Oncogene
Big congrats to Dr. I-Ching Wang @ NTHU for the excellent work in FOXM1! Hopefully our works on tumor immunology could be out next year.


New group photos~