Manuscript accepted in Frontiers in Immunology
A story about HMGN1 could potentially involve in sterile inflammation is accepted by Frontiers in Immunology.
Congrats to Sherry Wang!
The DMS senior undergraduate intern Sherry Wang is admitted to Duke Immunology Graduate School program. Big congrats to Sherry!

Gifts exchange party
First gifts exchange party in Cheng lab. Guess who have won the biggest prize--Panda suit!
工作內容 執行科技部研究計畫,研究主題為先天免疫系統及免疫代謝調控之應用。 負責細胞培養、體外實驗、動物實驗設計。 數據分析與撰寫報告。 徵才條件 國內外公私立大專院校生命科學或生物醫學相關科系學碩士 熟悉分子生物學、細胞生物學、基礎生化實驗技術。...

2017 Year-end lab gathering
After a year of hard labor, it's time for hot-pot!
Grant Awarded! (NHRI Career development grant/國家衛生研究院107年度整合性計畫)
Dr. Cheng received a Career Development Grant from National Health Research Institute, Taiwan for his work on dissecting the...