鄭老師的研究興趣為目前最夯的免疫代謝(Immunometabolism)、顛覆傳統免疫記憶窠臼的先天免疫記憶反應(Innate immune memory or trained immunity)以及其應用於發炎性疾病如肥胖(obesity)、發炎性腸疾(Inflammat...

Milestone achieved!!!
Dr. Cheng's 2014 science paper describing the metabolic basis of trained immunity has attracted more than 200 citations since published!

Invited talk at National Yang Ming University
Dr. Cheng is invited to give a talk at the Institute of Emergency and Critical Care Medicine at National Yang Ming University at March 9th.

Invited talk
Dr. Cheng was invited to share about his recent research in the 25th Symposium on Recent Advances in Cellular and Molecular Biology at...