Grant Awarded(科技部優秀年輕學者研究計畫)!
Dr. Cheng received an Excellent Young Investigator Research Grant from Ministry of Science and Technology for 4 years.

New group photo
Cheng lab group photo. Welcome to the newbies and farewell to Lawrence Wood!
New members join the lab!
Welcome on board!
歡迎Lawrence Wood(Junior at Toronto University), 李欣玫(清大生科19級)、鄭聖良(清大生科19級大三)及王安然同學(清大生科19級大三)加入實驗室!
【工作內容】 (1)執行科技部研究計畫,研究主題為先天免疫系統及免疫代謝調控之應用。 (2)負責細胞培養、體外實驗、動物實驗設計。 (3)數據分析與撰寫報告。 【徵才條件】 (1)具分子生物學、細胞生物學、基礎生化實驗技術者優先考量。 (2)須具有細胞...
Invited Talk
Dr. Cheng will present his work on immunometabolic regulation of innate immune cell function at the Cross Straight Immunology Conference...

Invited Talk
Dr. Cheng was invited by College of Life Science at National Taiwan University to share his latest research to the graduate school...

鄭老師的研究興趣為目前最夯的免疫代謝(Immunometabolism)、顛覆傳統免疫記憶窠臼的先天免疫記憶反應(Innate immune memory or trained immunity)以及其應用於發炎性疾病如肥胖(obesity)、發炎性腸疾(Inflammat...

Milestone achieved!!!
Dr. Cheng's 2014 science paper describing the metabolic basis of trained immunity has attracted more than 200 citations since published!